Tax Planning

Taxes are charges imposed by the government on individuals and organisations to create finance or funding to meet a society’s demands. It is regarded as a social duty and is recognised right and lawful for members of a society to contribute their quota to society through the payment of taxes. For the benefit of all people, assets or funds from the contributions are intended for problem-solving. Schools, hospitals, roads, and other social amenities are some of the projects that are supported or funded by taxes. It includes (public) health insurance and other social security systems that are supported or subsidised by taxes.


Image showing a man pressing on a calculator with his left hand and holding papers in his right hand, representing Qatar tax services by GSPU


Global Strategic Partners Union

Analysing one’s financial condition and setting priorities are both parts of financial planning. The goal of tax planning is to maximise your tax savings while ensuring tax efficiency. Tax preparation is an important component of financial planning to minimise tax liabilities and maximise investor wealth. We provide financial analysis and tax planning effectively. The primary services we provide are tax-saving methods and financial planning for salaried workers.

Taxes are typically incurred directly or indirectly from a variety of income sources. Direct taxes are usually collected from people’s or organisations’ direct income. On the income, a fixed rate is applied. The money is given to the government as taxes. A taxpayer pays direct taxes to the government from sources of income such as salary, rent, property, capital gain from an investment, appreciation, or any other asset. Indirect taxes are frequently imposed by any component of the supply chain and paid to the government, but are passed on to the consumer as part of the purchase price of a product or service. Alternatively said, someone else is responsible for paying the tax. Indirect taxes include excise levies on fuel and cigarettes, park admission fees, and consumer taxes such as value-added tax (VAT).

Main types of Taxes within and outside the State of Qatar

Taxes come in a variety of ways and are typically based on the source of income. The most prevalent types of taxes both within and outside the State of Qatar are:

  • Corporate Income Tax: A tax levied on an organization’s earnings. The total revenue from operations less direct and indirect or variable and fixed costs, as well as depreciation, amortization, and interest, is usually the taxable income. Companies held entirely by Qataris or Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nationals are exempt from corporate income tax (CIT). Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain are all members of the GCC.Companies that are totally or partially foreign-owned and have income sources in Qatar, on the other hand, will be subject to CIT in Qatar. CIT is typically a flat 10% rate, although corporations with oil and gas operations may pay up to 35%.
  • Sales Tax: Taxes classified as indirect taxes. Indirect taxes are typically paid to the government by any link in the supply chain and are included in the price of a good or service that is purchased by the customer. In other words, the tax is paid by someone else. Qatar has levied excise taxes on both imported and locally produced goods. Some commodities, however, are exempt from tariffs, while others are charged at a higher rate. Temporary importation of products, importation of goods for police and military, importation of goods for diplomatic entities, and other exceptions may apply.
  • Excise and luxury taxes: Qatar implemented an excise tax in 2019. Only limited subsets of goods that are considered to be harmful or forbidden by Islam are subject to the tax. Some examples are Tobacco products (taxed at 100%), Carbonated drinks (excluding non-flavoured carbonated water – 50%), Energy drinks (100%), and Special purpose goods (100%). Alcohol and pork products are examples of special-purpose goods.
  • Withholding tax: If non-residents have benefited financially from services rendered in Qatar, they may be required to pay a withholding tax of 5%. Individuals, self-employed workers, and businesses all pay the same rate. This might occur if a non-resident received interest from an investment in Qatar or was compensated for services rendered in Qatar. When paid to a non-resident, royalties, technical fees, commissions, and brokerage fees are subject to withholding tax.

The taxation system is comprised of several rules, regulations, and laws. Taxation services at the state and federal levels cover a wide range of tax-related provisions.

As a result, financial tax planning can become complicated for someone without a tax background; they may be unable to grasp the regulations. GSPU specialises in tax preparation for individuals as well as tax planning for businesses. We take satisfaction in the fact that our consultants understand how the taxation system works. We treat all of our clients with the same respect and develop solutions to fit their individual or commercial objectives.

Logo representing Capital Gains Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Capital Gains Tax

Logo representing Contract Reporting, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Contract Reporting

Logo representing Corporate Income Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Corporate Income Tax

Logo representing Country-by-Country Reporting (CBCR), featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax


Logo representing Dhareeba Services, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Dhareeba Services

Logo representing Excise Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Excise Tax

Logo representing Tax Planning, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Tax Planning

Logo representing Transfer Pricing, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Transfer Pricing

Logo representing Withholding Tax Services, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Withholding Tax Services

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