Country-by-Country Reporting(CBCR)

A shift in perspective of the global tax environment has occurred, as anyone working in the field of taxes can confirm, and this has put political and public pressure on governments to take action against alleged damaging tax practices, especially those committed by corporations. Information submitted under CbCR standards undoubtedly aids tax authorities in better understanding the overall tax picture of an MNE business and structure.

In Qatar, country-by-country (CBC) reporting obligations and notification requirements apply only to the ultimate parent entities that are tax residents in Qatar and part of a multinational group of enterprises (MNE) with consolidated revenues of at least QAR 3 billion in the previous financial year. One year after the end of the taxable financial year, the CBC report must be submitted.


Image showing a man pressing on a calculator with his left hand and holding papers in his right hand, representing Qatar tax services by GSPU

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An MNE Group’s entities that are tax residents in Qatar must meet certain important thresholds to qualify for applicability to be granted. Having a Consolidated Group Turnover (CGT) of QAR 3 Billion or higher in the previous year—roughly USD 824 million—determines the criteria. Complying with these standards is essential for entities that are tax residents of Qatar to ensure that the tax laws are followed. By meeting these requirements, organizations indicate that they are dedicated to upholding a formal and responsible strategy for taxation.

To measure the financial and economic impacts of tax avoidance, authorities have faced significant challenges because of a lack of high-quality data on corporate taxes. This has made it difficult to conduct audits and assess transfer pricing on transactions between connected companies. CbCR offers tax authorities information to help detect transfer pricing issues and make decisions about how they deploy tax audit resources.

Penalties for noncompliance are fines as high as QAR 500,000. Regulations and norms must be followed by individuals and organizations to prevent those. Financial penalties that may have a major influence on both persons and enterprises may arise from breaking the rules and regulations. GSPU can ensure compliance and minimize the chance of incurring hefty fines by maintaining a courteous and professional manner.

With a thorough understanding of the CbCR compliance standards, GSPU’s team can assist taxpayers file effectively and on time by using a systematic, synchronized, and in-sync filing methodology that covers:

  • Complying with regulations by comprehending the business model
  • Facilitate gathering information for reports
  • Clarification regarding the regulation concepts
  • Assistance in submitting and communicating authorities.
Logo representing Capital Gains Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Capital Gains Tax

Logo representing Contract Reporting, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Contract Reporting

Logo representing Corporate Income Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Corporate Income Tax

Logo representing Country-by-Country Reporting (CBCR), featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax


Logo representing Dhareeba Services, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Dhareeba Services

Logo representing Excise Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Excise Tax

Logo representing Tax Planning, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Tax Planning

Logo representing Transfer Pricing, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Transfer Pricing

Logo representing Withholding Tax Services, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Withholding Tax Services

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