Capital Gains Tax

Individual capital gains on the disposition of real estate and securities are free from taxation if such real estate and securities are not part of the assets of a taxable activity. Non-residents’ capital gains, to the degree they are ‘Qatar-sourced,’ are subject to 10% income tax. Capital gains tax returns must be filed within 30 days of the asset’s sale or contract’s completion, whichever comes first.

Image showing a man pressing on a calculator with his left hand and holding papers in his right hand, representing Qatar tax services by GSPU


Global Strategic Partners Union

Logo representing Capital Gains Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Capital Gains Tax

Logo representing Contract Reporting, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Contract Reporting

Logo representing Corporate Income Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Corporate Income Tax

Logo representing Country-by-Country Reporting (CBCR), featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax


Logo representing Dhareeba Services, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Dhareeba Services

Logo representing Excise Tax, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Excise Tax

Logo representing Tax Planning, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Tax Planning

Logo representing Transfer Pricing, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Transfer Pricing

Logo representing Withholding Tax Services, featuring GSPU branding. Qatar tax

Withholding Tax Services

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Logo representing Compatibility, with a focus on accounting and bookkeeping, featuring GSPU branding


Logo representing Customizable Solutions, with a focus on accounting and bookkeeping, featuring GSPU branding


Logo representing Convenience, with a focus on accounting and bookkeeping, featuring GSPU branding